377 project at the time of COVID-19

As Europe faces one of the most difficult times since the Second World War, and most of the countries are under lockdown, the arts, music and culture in general are incredible opportunities to keep people engaged at their homes.
I continue to update my 377project blog with the remaining articles, to provide reading material on the beautiful island of Sardinia. People can also listen to a series of podcasts and interviews I’ve given during and after the project. Here are some of them:
- In quarantine times, Serena Schiffini interviewed me for the program Zazà broadcasted on Rai Radio 3. You can listen to the podcast here (in Italian, my intervention at 00:59:12).
- San Francisco-based Jason Heath interviewed me for his Contrabass Conversations podcast series. You can listen (in English) to the episode here.
- The radio program A Ruota Libera conducted by Alessandra Schepisi, broadcast on Radio24/Sole24ore, featured 377 project in the episode dedicated to Sardinia (listen here in Italian), and in the episode dedicated to pedalling during winter time (listen here in Italian at 05:54).
- Radio Francigena gave me a weekly space in their Extraordinary Travellers series. You can listen (in Italian) to all the podcasts here or on Spotify.
- Radio Super Sound also gave me a weekly space in Super Mattino conducted by Tommi Rossi. You can listen (in Italian) to all the podcasts here.

And finally, I uploaded one of my 377 performances (at Campu Oddeu, in Urzulei, in the pic above) on my YouTube channel. You can watch it here.
I wish you all a safe permanence at home, and hopefully all this will be finished soon and we’ll be free again, possibly changed for good.