345/377: Barrali

On a beautiful sunny day, with a few white clouds in the sky, I climb over the hill that separates the territory of Donori from that of Barrali, the former in the Parteolla region , the latter in the Trexenta.

In addition to the important cultivation of vines (the name of the town derives from the word pergola in Campidanese dialect) and olive trees, Barrali is famous for its artisanal bakery, which takes place throughout the year in various bakeries in the town.
So I go into a food shop to ask if they can indicate one of the ovens that make various types of bread, pani pesau, coccoi, civrasceddu, costedda and others. Unfortunately I am told that today, Monday, is one of the few days of the week when no bread is made!

I just have to go around the streets of the village for a while in search of something interesting to photograph: the modern parish church of Santa Lucia with a beautiful dome, the large Piazza del Popolo, on one side of which there is an oven, symbol of Barrali’s main activity.

Here too there are many houses with clay brick walls, the ladiri. And then stone arches, urban wells, and the strange sculptures that adorn the terrace of a private house, probably inhabited by one or a local artist!

I have nothing else to do and a place to stay so, given the short distance, I return to Donori where I will again be the guest of Francesco and Silvana. In the afternoon, however, we go to the border of the two municipalities, on the hill that I walked this morning to visit the remains of a nuraghe. We walk a lot, going up the slope between vegetation and stones, until we reach the few ruins on the top. From here the view is exceptional. In front of us is Mount Uda, behind Barrali, on which vast woods extend up to the territories of Sant’Andrea Frius and Gerrei.

A few weeks after my visit to Barrali, I receive a message from Mayor Fausto “Hi Sebastiano, I saw that your project is in Trexenta, when will you be with us in Barrali?”.
With great embarrassment I have to answer that unfortunately I have already been, that I sent an email but received no reply. Fausto replies that he is sorry, that he did not know anything about it, but that at any time I want to go back to them I will be welcome. So I’ll be back … not on a Monday though!